The times we live in are not easy. After 2 years of the Pandemic that forced us to stay at home for the first time and adopt measures that we had never seen before, now we have a war in Europe whose end is in the air. uncertain.
In the digital landscape and as a consequence, there has been an exponential growth in online sales, whether of products, these have already been sold. with some tradition in this context, but also in terms of online services.
The latter are increasingly seen as a convenient way of dealing with day-to-day affairs or merely as a “facilitator” processes that traditionally required the physical presence of stakeholders. In this context our reliance on “online” growing: banks, insurance, finance, orders for food, clothing, IT…
Behind this there is a There is a web of suppliers that, with more or less relevance, guarantee the regular functioning of the system. From the logistics of distribution, to providing the infrastructure for communications, electricity, web hosting, web development, etc.
As a result of this technological progress, who with bad intentions wants to take advantage of the vulnerabilities of each user on the web. A click on an unfamiliar link in an email, the opening of a file from a strange sender, even a message. à promise of already Known Prince of Nigeria and its millions. This is where this text wanted to go! If, on the one hand, there have always been people with bad intentions, on the other hand, and in this digital context, it could not be expected that they would not exist.
With the war in Europe, several groups of so-called “hackers” are also trying to attack the structures of one of the sides of the war and that side is also involved. to fight back.
The result is: There is a huge increase in attempts to enter systems whether they are government, business or even individuals through those emails with that strange link or file, among other methods.
Given this scenario, we suggest that you adopt protective measures, such as being careful when opening emails from senders you do not know, not clicking links that seem strange to you as they could be a phishing attempt with the intention of getting hold of data such as access to bank accounts, updating anti-virus software, anti-spyware.
In terms of web browsing, always make sure you are in the place you want, checking the URL and whether the digital certificate attesting to its veracity is valid. valid.
Be careful with recording data in forms and try to make secure payments through platforms such as PayPal, MBway or prefer Multibanco. Use complex passwords!
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