
Meet today's new "profession": digital influencer

With the frequent use of social networks the phenomenon of digital influencers has emerged. These define fashions, tastes and even fashions. motivations.

Find out what's happening. behind these influencers...

Influencers or digital influencers are people who have a wide audience of followers, produce content that they use on their digital platforms to attract audiences. These audiences are predisposed to consume your content and sometimes end up letting themselves be influenced by their behaviour, opinions and, above all, purchase intentions. There are two types of digital influencers: influencers by type of content, and influencers by number of followers. With the advent of digital, nowadays, we have digital influencers. Regarding the type of content, these can be divided into several types, such as:

  • Bloggers: are personalities who create, where they disseminate current information, share their tastes, express their opinion, make suggestions and consequently end up boosting brands .
  • Youtubers: YouTubers generate millions of views, have the power to set trends and influence their audience. Currently, Generation Z has a great connection with this type of influencers.
  • Instagrammers: instagrammers dedicate themselves entirely to their content on the social network Instagram, excel in organized profiles, and with high quality content.
  • Celebrities: appeared before the exponential use of social networks, but nowadays, they tend to appear on the big screens and use digital platforms to show the more personal side of their lives.

Regarding the types of influencers by number of followers, these are:

  • Megainfluencers: with over 500,000 followers. They are usually more celebrities/public figures than true influencers, however there are some mega-influencers who have reached more than 500 thousand followers due to their content.
  • Macroinfluencers: between 30,000 and 500,000 followers. In Portugal already; there are a wide variety of macro-influencers, and there are more macro-influencers than mega-influencers.
  • Microinfluencers: between 5 thousand and 30 thousand followers; They are characterized by being ordinary everyday people who have become known for some knowledge on a specific topic.
  • Nanoinfluencers: between 500 and 5 thousand followers. They are the latest type of influencers.

We are increasingly seeing an increase in the use of social networks and digital influencers, trends for the coming years indicate that the growth of influencers will be more and more important. higher year after year.

Article by: Catarina Canário

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