The pandemic has changed many of our daily routines, with the concept of work changing considerably. With the necessary isolation of the last few months, a large majority of companies started to operate in telework, something unusual until now. then. The General Data Protection Regulation (RDGP) was created to guarantee the privacy and protection of personal data to all citizens of the European Union within the European Economic Area . This also aims to regulate the export of personal data outside the EU. With telecommuting increasingly implemented, it is It is necessary to create conditions for this control to be maintained and where the security of the personal data of each one of us, as well as those of the company and its customers, are not compromised. >
With the Covid-19 measures, teleworking has become a necessary measure for most business entities. Although working from home has brought many benefits to most companies and their employees, it has also become a challenge to maintain security in the numerous personal data existing in each one. from them. Here comes greater exposure to risks and potential threats, as some personal devices may not have the necessary conditions to block numerous cybercrimes given their vulnerability to computer attacks. The use of the WI-FI network is free. This is another of the big security risks, as it does not offer the same protection as the networks implemented in the workplace.
The ideal for all telework is to provide a virtual private network (VPN) à which each employee can access. With this network, internet traffic becomes protected and encrypted, with everyone connected to a similar network to the Internet. from a central office. In addition to the VPN network is also available. It is also important to implement data encryption. One of the required security measures in the RDGP is precisely encryption. This method allows you to encode the information so that it is only readable by the integral parts. É This is one of the most important procedures in terms of security, since in the event of a threat, it becomes illegible and useless. Another measure to watch is; the commitment to teams to monitor cybernetic intelligence. By controlling and dealing with potential threats in digital media, it becomes easier to develop virtual defense strategies and prevent potential attacks. Adding to the previously mentioned measures, it is It is essential to provide employees with explicit training on how to approach security and data protection from home, as well as information regarding the regulations of the RDGP. Knowing how to handle and access data securely, no matter where they work, using only approved and personal devices, is essential. It is essential to ensure privacy and prevent information leaks.
One of the major changes that resulted from this pandemic was the discovery by companies of the advantages of teleworking. With several benefits achieved, these have adapted to the environment. new reality, and became more aware of the needs suited to this method of work. In addition to taking into account space, location and the importance of price in research of a property, there was a decrease in the search for physical work places. After all, many employees began to do it more flexibly between the office and home. The growth of telecommuting over this period has revolutionized the business market. Despite the benefits of remote work, it is difficult to do this. It is essential to maintain the conditions that guarantee security and privacy in data protection. Ensuring the necessary tools, with permanent training and educated employees, is essential. fundamental to comply with the conditions
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