When we think of December, we automatically end up thinking of Christmas and gifts. Since this is the most anticipated time of the year for many, we leave you with some suggestions for Christmas gifts. Father, son, daughter-in-law, or work colleague, there are many people we need to please, it becomes difficult to meet everyone's expectations, so Ideias Frescas has put together a list of accessible suggestions for you.
Gift Suggestions:
A perfume is always the right choice, you can't go wrong. It will be necessary to know what the person's tastes are, to be able to choose which perfume is suitable. We recommend that you buy a 50 ml perfume, that way it will be more accessible and affordable.
Family game
A card or board game is a great option to cheer up and entertain the family. Family games stimulate all family members, as well as keep the younger ones away from television and electronic devices, and generate unity among the family.
Frame with a photograph
Excellent gift to remember good times with the person you want to offer the gift. Simple and reasonably priced, it's great for this time of year when people are generally more receptive and emotional.
Snack basket Suggestion for food and drink lovers. A snack basket containing wine, jam and snacks is ideal to whet anyone's appetite. Headphones For technology fans, this gift will make the difference in the quality of work or leisure. The vast majority of Internet users spend a few hours in front of the PC, so good headphones are the perfect gift. Book Nowadays there is already the possibility of buying a book in paper or digital. If you want to offer this suggestion, check which would be the best option for the person in question, and choose from the variety of themes that exist, including romance, comics, police, among others. Experience A massage, a romantic dinner, a parachute jump, a day driving a Ferrari, there are countless experiences that exist and that you can offer. You just need to decide your budget and which experience is best for the person. Cinema Kit For those who are fans of movies and series, this gift is ideal, add a blanket, some popcorn and snacks, and a Netflix gift card. This cinema kit will be remembered, a practical idea and easy to acquire. Article by: Catarina Canário